WARNING:  You might not like what I have to say in this blog.

But, if you’ve been attracting men who don’t want to commit,
read on, because I’m going to share with you the real, raw truth,
about why you do that.

If you’re attracting men who won’t commit,
it’s because you’re not fully committed to love.

“But Nicole…” I can hear you saying
“I am committed”
“I’m reading your emails every week”
“I sign up for video summits on love and read books about love”
“I’ve been “working” on my love life for a long time now”

I know you have.

And, I also know that if you’re not attracting committed men,
then the one and only reason is because of YOU. 

(I told you that that this email might piss you off….if it is then that’s good! it means that
something in here is ringing true for you)

So here’s the thing about men that you need to understand,
to know why they aren’t committing to you.

You want a man to commit to spending the REST OF HIS LIFE with you.
(or at least a really long time)

Think about that for a moment….that’s a really big deal right?

In order to make such a big commitment like that,
a man has to feel safe in his choice in you.
He needs to trust that YOU are a safe bet. 

So, If men aren’t committing to you, then how you’re showing up in dating
is making men NOT feel safe to CHOOSE you.

Which means, you haven’t fully committed to love yet.
You’re still “playing around” in dating rather than doing it in the RIGHT way
that gets you the result you want (commitment from an amazing man).

Here’s what makes men NOT want to commit to you

  •  when you’re in emotional drama all the time, needy or controlling
  •  when you’re constantly freaking out about if you’re good enough for him and if he really likes you
  •  when you aren’t willing to feel your emotions and actually be present and instead, are constantly in your head 
  •  when you operate from insecure little girl mode in relationships instead of powerful woman mode
  •  when you lose yourself in love and stop taking care of yourself as soon as you find a guy you really like
  • when you don’t fully love yourself and look to him for validation 

If you’re doing any of the above things, what you are communicating to men,
on an energetic level, is that you aren’t a safe choice.

Because, my dear, you’re not safe in yourself yet. 

Just trust me on this because finding a committed man
used to be a BIG problem for me too.

But today, I have an incredibly committed man who is deep,
spiritual and willing to stay even in tough moments

I have this kind of man because I FULLY committed to love.

I stopped playing around and fooling myself,
and I put my time, money, attention and resources where my mouth was. 

And, my commitment was deep.
I’ve spend the past 10 years doing intensive spiritual work
And invested more than $150,000 into my own personal development.

I’ve been studying love, every single day straight, for the past 6 years. 

Now, I am a Love Coach, so you don’t have to go as deep as I did
to get the result you want, a committed man.

But you DO have to fully commit. 

Everything else is just wasting your time. 
And pushing meeting your man farther out into the future.

So, are you you ready to stop playing around in love,
struggling and dating men who won’t commit?

And are you ready to actually BE the woman
who can have the man that she wants commit easily?

Then here’s what you need to do now.

  • Commit to love, by getting the RIGHT training, to make sure you get your result. (there’s an opportunity to do that with me, starting in March)
  • Dedicate every single day from this point forward to Self-Love,  so you’re ready when your man comes, and not looking to him to validate you.
  • Practice being fully present daily and start really feeling your emotions and not numbing out or being so busy that you distract yourself.
  • Heal your inner little girl wound, so you can show up fully as a powerful woman worthy of commitment.

Does that sound like a lot?

If so, don’t freak out.

It can actually be easier than you think when you have the RIGHT training and plan. 

It took me 10 years of personal development,
$150,000 of investing in myself,
and 6 years of studying love every single day to get here.

But the good news is,
I teach EVERYTHING that I’ve learned along the way
to my clients in just 1 year
so they can take the short route to getting there,
rather than struggling trying to do it on their own. 

When you commit to getting the right training in love,
that’s when things REALLY change.

When you commit to self-love, truly,
and really FEEL worthy in every cell of your being,
that’s when you get that amazing man who wants to commit

Remember, if you’ve been attracting men who won’t commit for years,
it doesn’t have to take that long to break that pattern and attract in an amazing man.

But, you do have to commit.

I hope you’ll do that today.

